From toxic relationships to nourishing, thriving connections. Welcome to the journey to heal from narcissistic abuse and toxic relationship patterns. . These frequency-infused meditations and energetic tools have helped already a variety of people who experienced toxic relationships and strong toxic bonds.The effects of a onnection to a person with narcissistic tendencies are very similar across people who have dealt with a narcissist. As our environment and relational connection shape us, we need to invest time in healing the wounds caused by such toxic relationships. Narcissistic personality disorders affect not only that individual person but most of all it affects their families, their partners, their co-workers and their entire environment. We view a person suffering from narcissistic personality disorder as completly disconnected from their true self and their mind is governed by an energy that then inflicts upon the people in contact with the narcissist. Every human deserves to be treated with dignity and in almost all cases, people who have dealt with narcissists have been violated in their autonomy, their sense of self and self-respect. Within this course, you find meditations that affect your subconscious mind, your nervous system and your emotional body. All elements are important to restore yourself after exposure to the energy of a narcissist. Being exposed to a person with narcissistic tendencies, egotistical behavior, toxic relationships, manipulation, gaslighting, and so forth, rewires you towards a challenging and distorted relationship within yourself. It actually influences how you view yourself, how your belief system is set up to your own true self. There is a self abandonment that takes place often in a relationship with a narcissistic person. And this abandonment is what we're here to heal - to help you heal.
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