Narcisistic Personality Disorder is a psychological term for something that I can complete misalignment with your soul. The exchange with such a person is in consequence soul-draining. If you have experienced a treatment by a person with NPD, there is a multitude of effects that such exchanges (maybe even relationships) have on your energy field, your subsconsious mind and your self-image. This course heales the energetic body after narcisistic injury. Once released from your energetic field, you can rewire your subsconscious mind, you reclaim your power and you return wiser and powerful into your soul-alignment.
Here are the meditations and energy transmissions within this course:
- Healing from manipulation
- Healing from narcisistic injury
- Releasing anger and restoring self-worth
- Releasing shame
- Releasing disgust and creating lightness
- Healing from self-sabotage
- Healing from self-sacrifice
- Stopping the blame-game
- Creating an auric field of respect
- Aligning with the pattern of self-respect
- Healing abandonment wound
- Healing from gaslighting
- Blissfully receiving after narcissistic injury
- Reclaiming agency
- Recreating trust to a supportive enviroment
- Recreating a supportive social enviroment
- Creating the pattern of emotional care
- Ability to receive love from others
- Healing the wound of overanalyzing people and walking on eggshells
- Healing for children with narcisistic parents
- Blessing for survivors
- Restoring Joyousness
- Journal Exercise
- Final exercise to restore nervous system, organs and entire body.
All meditations are the combination of a healing frequency, emotional and energetic release and a rewiring of subconscious programming. It is a profound healing journey that you can do in the safety of your home in your own pace.