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The divine union course is a co-creation by Natalie, who created the Seraphine’s Code and Ilaria, who runs a spiritual coaching business and a cosmetic brand business.


What is the inner marriage? It is the marriage of the your masculine and your feminine side. This creates a marriage for love, a thurst for life and a joy and bliss. The wounding in both the masculine and the feminine are healed within this course so that once you activate your inner marriage, you reveal in a healthy sacred relationship. The energy is always first before you can manifest it into your life!


Below you see the list of guided meditations. This is a pattern-allocation to the divine from the inside out and such includes our adult expression, our inner child, our feminine side and our masculine side. Within this course you allocate time to your energetic body to resolve your imbalances that prevent you from a divine union that will allow your soul to shine through all pillars of your life.


1.Divine Union Course - Informative.
2.Divine Union - Preparation Meditations.
3.Divine Feminine Energy - Calibrating the Energy that brings you from the

caterpillar into your divine feminine expression
4.Divine Masculine Energy - Honoring the Divine Masculine in order to move from

the wounded masculine into the divine, higher expression
5.Sacred Union Alchemy -
6.Tantric Exercise to meld divine feminine and divine masculine energies.

7.Honoring the divine masculine from the feminine side. - In current collective

consciousness, the masculine is in fact very depleted in receiving love. The masculine are very conditioned to receive blame, shame and energy that is attachment rather than love (coming from a whole place). We reverse this pattern with this exercise.

8.Aligning the inner child to the energy of a divine father, a divine masculine. Our inner children are (often, but not always) conditioned to the energy of a wounded masculine who has been conditioned by the patriarchy. Our inner child needs to feel comfortable to a divine masculine energy in order to be in a relationship with a divine masculine.

9.Rainbow Light Body - Light Transmission. 

10. Honoring the masculine energy transmission.
11.Divine Union Preparation in Heart Chamber. - Releasing the birthparents into

love and light in the Heart Chamber.
12.Meditation to tune into your subconscious mind to remove the remaining

blockages from becoming your higher self entering a sacred union.
13. Inner King Activation. Activating the Divine Masculine inside of your. This meditation also adresses the connection between your financial abundance

and your inner king.
14.Removing the blockages from being in the expression of a divine union.

15.Sacred Sexuality Explained. Meditation to clean your sexual lifeforce to hold a

higher union in the sexual expression.
16.Divine Union: Aligning the subconsciouss and conscious mind.

17.Peak Exercise of Divine Union: Sacred Union Activation.

18. Preparation for Inner Marriage. With the preparation exercise, you are preparing your self for a higher committment to your higher self - and with it you set the ground for your soul-partner to enter your life.
19. Inner Marriage Ritual - Crystal Activation. This is an energy-infused meditation to marry your soul into the existence of this human life. You marry your inner feminine and your inner masculine. Together you create the fragmentation for your higher self to energy the 3D reality - permanently.

20. Portal 11:11 Activation through crystal energy in the heart-chamber.
21. Re-activation of the inner marriage / the divine union in case of life challenges.

22. Energetic Teaching of the Divine Union Energy Alignment.
23. Meditation to align your social circle to your soul-vibration.
24. Behaviour in a soul-relationship. 


Energy Transmissions by Ilaria: 

1) Divine Feminine Energy Transmission - Venus Energy Transmission

2) Divine Masculine Energy Transmission

3) Taking responsibility - moving from toxic feminine energy to divine masculine energy

4) Allowing flow - moving from toxic masculine energy to divine feminine energy

5) Divine Feminine Energy Transmission - Connection to Nature

6) Divine Masculine Energy Transmission - Healthy Boundaries

7) Honesty in Relationships

8) Releasing Regrets

9) Releasing Judgements

10) Awareness on the three characters

11) Empathy for the toxic masculine to enter the divine feminine expression 


You find more information about this course (including a free download of one transmission here. 

Divine Union Code - A code to align your soul in a soul-relationship.

CHF 333.00Price
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